Bed bugs are small insects that live on the blood of humans and animals. These pests are extremely sneaky, which makes them difficult to get rid off without a professional bed bug treatment. Without a timely bed bug removal, both you and your pets are running a risk of being constantly harassed by bed bugs, even in your sleep! Bed bugs could feed on your blood for 3 or even up to 15 minutes, depending on their stage. These pests could keep feeding on you during the night and then hide during the day for a very long time until you finally notice them.

One of the disturbing facts about bed bugs is that they multiply surprisingly quickly. Only one pregnant female bed bug is able to infest more than 300 adult bed bugs and 1000 eggs in only three months! Therefore, a few bed bugs hidden in your bed can turn into thousands of new bed bugs in a couple of months, if you don’t order a bed bug exterminator on time.

The sole fact that you may have pests in your bed that live on your blood is a good reason to book a bed bug removal at ACME. However, there are other reasons why you should not delay a bed bug treatment. Namely, bed bugs can cause sleep deprivation and anemia as a consequence of a blood loss. Bites from bed bugs are not intrinsically dangerous but they tend to get extremely itchy. In fact, you may even be forced to look for specific treatments in order to relieve the itchiness of a bed bug bite.


At ACME, we offer end-to-end bed bug extermination. Our group of professional technicians is highly experienced at bed bug removal in Mississauga, Toronto, Oakville, Brampton and Milton. As soon as we receive your order for a bed bug treatment, we will bring all the necessary tools for the bed bug elimination in your house.

After our bed bug extermination, you will notice an enormous difference in the quality of your sleep and your overall health. Keeping all your blood during the night will surely have a positive impact on your body, in difference to losing blood every night to annoying bed bugs!

You can reach out to our professional technicians right now and order our high-quality bed bug extermination service. It is time to get rid of all those bloodsuckers and get yourself a proper, healthy night sleep! Call us right now and we will soon be on our way to save you, your family and your pets!

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