Squirrels are notorious for being skilled at getting into tight spaces, and they can be a real nuisance in an attic. But with the help of ACME Pest Solutions, you can get rid of these pesky creatures for good.
What are squirrels doing in your attic?
Are squirrels in your attic? If so, you may want to call ACME Pest Solutions for help. Squirrels are notorious for finding and nesting in high spots in a building, such as attics. They can cause a lot of damage by chewing on electrical wires, creating nests, and eating stored items. If you have squirrels in your attic, it’s important to get them out before they do any damage. ACME Pest Solutions can help you get rid of the squirrels without harming them or the surrounding area.
Why do squirrels like attics?
Squirrels are notorious for raiding bird feeders, but many people don’t know that they are also known to raid attics. A squirrel’s natural habitat is in the trees, but they will often find their way into an attic if enough food and shelter are available.
Attics are a great place to hide and eat because they are high up in the building and there is often plenty of food available. The problem is that squirrels can be a nuisance and damage property by raiding the food and nesting materials in attics.
ACME Pest Solutions offers a number of solutions for dealing with squirrels in an attic. We can install a squirrel-proof feeder so that the squirrels can no longer raid the food; we can use a squirrel-proof roof to keep them out of the attic and a squirrel-proof sealant to keep them out of the roof.
Disadvantages of squirrels in the attic
Squirrels are a common problem in attics and other places where they can get into mischief. Here are some of the disadvantages of squirrels in attics:
- They can chew through wiring and insulation, damaging your home’s electrical system.
- They can spread pests and diseases, including squirrel pox, a deadly virus that can be fatal to humans.
- They can make a mess in your attic, leading to mold and other pests.
- They can be a nuisance by raiding your food stash and making a lot of noise.
If you’re having trouble with squirrels in your attic, consider calling ACME Pest Solutions. Our experts can help you identify the problem and recommend a solution. We’ll get the squirrels out of your attic and keep your home safe and tidy!

Squirrels are a real problem!
Squirrels are a real problem! They can cause damage to your home, disrupt your airflow, and be a nuisance. If you’re dealing with a squirrel infestation, read on for tips on how to get rid of them.
- You can do a few things to try and get rid of the squirrels.
- One is to use a signal to attract them away from your home. You can use a loud sound or broken windows to make them realize you don’t want them there.
- You can also get them stuck and then remove them. Listen for their stuck sounds and then use a tool to remove them.
- Finally, listen to their footsteps and adjust your behavior accordingly. If you can keep your home as squirrel-free as possible, the problem will be solved.
ACME Pest Solutions has the best squirrel removal services in town. We use the latest techniques and equipment to get rid of them quickly and without damaging your property.
How can I get rid of squirrels?

Are you having problems with squirrels raiding your food storage or making a mess in your attic? If so, you may want to consider hiring a professional to get rid of them for you.
There are a few ways to get rid of squirrels on your own.
- One is to use a live trap. You can set one up in your attic and bait it with food. The squirrel will get caught in the trap and you can release it back into the wild.
- Seal up any openings in the attic ceiling. This will help keep the squirrels out and prevent them from gaining access to your roof.
- Use a squirrel-proof bird feeder. This will provide the squirrels with food and shelter and keep them from raiding your attic.
- Install a squirrel-proof fence. This will help keep the squirrels out and prevent them from raiding your garden.
- Use a squirrel-proof deterrent. This will help keep the squirrels away and make your attic less attractive to them.
Like wildlife removal experts, do not encourage doing it yourself, as it may lead to a severe injury. Rather they recommend hiring a well-trained professional equipped with all the arrangements and precautions taken to remove these animals.
In any case, if you hurt a wildlife animal or removal ends up killing a wildlife animal, you may have to bear a hefty fine by the Ontario government as these are protected wildlife animals. Wildlife removal professionals have licenses and permissions to trap and relocate these animals to safe places. Trained professionals adopt all the precautions and measures to trap wildlife and relocate them to safer places.
Is there anything we can use to keep squirrels from chewing wiring in my home?
Rats, squirrels, and other rodents can be a huge nuisance in an urban area. They’ll chew on wires, making annoying noises that invade your home daily. Here are some tips on how to get rid of these pesky creatures.
- Identify the animal. The first step is to identify the animal. This can be done by watching them or listening to their noises. Sometimes, you can also smell them.
- Create a barrier. You’ll need to create a barrier if you can’t identify the animal. This will help keep the animal out and stop them from chewing on wires.
- Get rid of their food and water. Once you’ve identified the animal, you’ll need to get rid of their food and water. This will stop them from living in the area and cause a further nuisance.
- Prevent them from coming back. The last step is to prevent them from coming back. This can be done by installing screens or barriers around the area.
If you are concerned that squirrels are chewing on your wiring or want to deter them from doing so, you may consider installing squirrel-proofing. ACME Pest Solutions can help you install the appropriate deterrents to keep squirrels from chewing on your electrical wiring.
No More Squirrels in The Attic: Call ACME Pest Solutions to Remove Them!
Are you having trouble with squirrels in your attic? Are they making your home uncomfortable and hazardous to live in? If so, call ACME Pest Solutions to help you get rid of them!
Squirrels are pesky creatures and can be quite destructive if they get into a home. They can damage wires, insulation, and roofing material, leading to major problems.
ACME Pest Solutions is a qualified professional who can help you get rid of squirrels safely and efficiently. We have the expertise and equipment to get the job done quickly and effectively, so you can live without worrying about squirrels in the attic. Call us today to schedule a free consultation!
Squirrels are a common problem in attics and can be quite destructive. If you want to remove squirrels from your attic, there are a few things you can do.
- First, you need to identify the source of the squirrels. If the squirrels are coming in from the outside, you must seal off the entry points. You can do this by using wire mesh or a wooden fence.
- You must seal off the exits if the squirrels are coming in from the inside. You can do this by using wire mesh or a wooden fence.
- You can also use traps. You can buy commercial squirrel traps or make your own using a food container and a wire mesh bottom.
- You can also use repellents. You can buy commercial repellents or make your own using a citrus oil or a citronella candle.
Remember that squirrels are territorial and may not be willing to leave your attic on their own. If you need help getting them out, call us at ACME Pest Solutions. We’ll be happy to help.
How do I get squirrels out of my attic?

Squirrels are a common problem in attics. You can use a variety of methods to get them out, but the most effective is usually to catch them in a live trap and release them elsewhere.
How do I get squirrels out of my garden?

Squirrels can be a nuisance in your garden, and if you can’t get them out, there are a few things you can do to try to prevent them from returning. For example, erect a fence around your garden or install a squirrel-proof bird feeder.
How do I get squirrels out of my chimney?

There are a few things you can do to try to get squirrels out of your chimney. One option is to use a squirrel trap. You can also try to scare them away by making loud noises or setting off a scarecrow.
How do I get squirrels out of my tree?

You can do a few things to remove squirrels from your tree – one of which is to use a squirrel deterrent. A few products on the market will help scare squirrels away from your tree, and they usually work by emitting an unpleasant smell or producing loud noises.
How do I get squirrels out of my house?

There are a few different ways to get squirrels out of your house, but the most effective is to use a live trap. You can also use a squirrel trap, but it’s essential to set it properly so the squirrel doesn’t get injured. You can also try to scare the squirrels away by playing recordings of squirrels or making a lot of noise.