10 Top facts about Raccoons that everyone should know


Raccoons are one of the most common animals in the Canada. They are also one of the most misunderstood animals. Raccoons are marsupial, meaning their offspring develop in their mothers’ wombs. They average about 2 inches long and weigh around 10 to 20 pounds. Raccoons usually live in trees and make their homes underground. They are known for their Cunning and Foraging skills. Raccoons have a wide range of natural habitats, including woodlands, gardens, farms and urban areas.

Raccoons have high IQs

Do you know that raccoons have high IQ levels? This is something that many people may not know, but it is actually true. Raccoons are known for their intelligence and ability to solve complex problems. This is why it is interesting to learn that raccoons actually have a higher IQ than some other animals. For example, the average IQ level for a human is around 100. However, the average IQ level for a raccoon is around 150.

Because they’re so smart, raccoons are often capable of solving complex problems. They can do this because they are able to think abstractly. This means that they are able to think about problems in a different way than other animals. This is also why raccoons are able to be so successful in the wild. They are able to think outside of the box and find solutions to problems that other animals may not be able to. They’re so dangerous because they’re so smart.

Overall, it is interesting to learn that raccoons have high IQ levels. This is something that you may not have known before, but it is definitely true.

Raccoons can make different noises

Raccoons can make different noises, including the infamous “coo”. This unique ability is thanks to their incredible vocal cords and teeth. Here are 10 of the most interesting noises raccoons can make:

  • Coo – This is the most well-known noise raccoons can make, and it’s a happy sound. It’s usually used to communicate with other raccoons, or to attract mates.
  • Kik – This noise is used to warn other raccoons of danger. It sounds a lot like a cross between a screech and a hiss.
  • Wuff – This noise is used to express anger or frustration. It’s similar to the sound a dog makes when it’s growling.
  • Whinny – This noise is used to communicate with horses. It’s identical to the sound a horse makes when it’s neighing.
  • Bark – Raccoons use this noise to warn people or animals of their presence and to communicate their wants or needs.
  • Moo – Raccoons use this noise to express their feelings or moods. It’s a deep, resonant sound and can be heard up to a mile away.
  • Chee – This noise is used to communicate with other raccoons. It sounds a little bit like a chirp and is usually used to establish dominance or intimidate opponents.
  • Screech – This noise is used to communicate with other animals and to warn them of danger. It sounds a lot like a scream but is lower-pitched.
  • Cackle – This noise is used to communicate with other animals and to amuse themselves. It’s a high-pitched sound and can be pretty scary.
  • Rattle – This noise is used to communicate with other animals and scare them off. It sounds like a bell and is usually used to protect food or territory.

Raccoons have special paws for climbing trees

Raccoons are excellent climbers. Their paws are specially adapted for this task, and they are able to use their claws to grip and pull themselves up trees. This is a valuable skill for raccoons, as it allows them to get food and shelter that would be otherwise inaccessible.

Raccoons can move at high speeds

Raccoons are one of the most efficient creatures when it comes to moving around. They can easily outrun most predators, and they can also move quickly through dense vegetation. Their strong hind legs and razor-sharp claws help them move quickly and efficiently.

Raccoons are so skillful

Raccoons are so skillful that they can easily stash away food when they need it. They are also known to be very clever and can figure out ways to get into places that are not meant for them. The raccoon is one of the most fascinating and exciting animals in the world despite its negative reputation.

Raccoons can live almost anywhere

Raccoons can live almost anywhere, including in urban areas. Their adaptability makes them great survivors and some of the most adaptable animals on the planet. Raccoons are mainly nocturnal animals, but they are also able to stay active during the day. The food they consume includes fruits, vegetables, and meat. They also scavenge food from the ground or from trash cans. Raccoons are powerful animals. They can climb trees well and have strong jaws and teeth. They are also good swimmers.

Raccoons have remarkably good eyesight at night

Did you know that raccoons have remarkably good eyesight at night? In fact, they can see better than many animals that are considered to have superior eyesight, such as cats and dogs! This is due in part to the fact that raccoons have a very large and well-developed eye sockets. Their eyes are also positioned close to the front of their head, which gives them a good view of the surrounding area.

Raccoons are especially good at seeing in low light conditions, which is why they are sometimes seen in dark areas such as under bridges and in other areas where light is scarce.

Raccoons have a good sense of smell

Did you know that raccoons have a good sense of smell? Their noses help them find food and avoid danger. In fact, raccoons can detect smells that are more than a thousand times stronger than human noses! This is why they are able to find food in difficult to reach places. Raccoons also use their noses to find water. This is why they are so good at finding food and water in difficult to find places.

Many diseases and parasites can be carried by raccoons

Raccoons are common inhabitants of urban areas and can carry a variety of diseases and parasites. Raccoons are the primary carrier of rabies. They can also carry tuberculosis, gastroenteritis, and listeriosis. Rabies is a dangerous virus that can be fatal to humans if contracted. Raccoons can also carry other diseases and parasites, including: sylvatic plague, Lyme disease, toxoplasmosis, and varroa mites. If you live in an area where raccoons are common, it is important to be aware of the diseases and parasites they can carry and take precautions to avoid getting them.

Before eating, they wash their food

Before eating, raccoons wash their food. This is a common habit that helps to remove any potential contaminants. Raccoons use their paws to move the water and dirt around the food, making sure that everything is clean before they eat.


Recons are small, black animals that live in the dirt and debris of the outdoors. They can cause a lot of damage if they’re not taken care of, mainly by eating food that’s been left out and damaging property.

If you notice raccoons in your house, the best thing to do is contact a professional wildlife removal company. ACME Pest Solutions can help you deal with these critters quickly and effectively.

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